
shameless self-promotion

hello, friends!

i've recently put together a poetry collection, which is now available for purchase. it's a fun little collection (not that i'm biased at all) and i'd love if you would check it out. poetry is art too! and remember, if any of you readers have projects you would like to share with us, we'd be happy to post about them; we at random acts are all about sharing.


happy summer

july sprung on me suddenly and unexpected, but long overdue. i received a new camera as a graduation gift and am currently still breaking it in, but hope to show you what it can do, as soon as i figure it out myself. but until then, enjoy the lazy beauty of the season. these were all taken in cape cod, ma.


can you feel it?

summer's right around the corner. the days are lengthening, the sun is brightening, everything looks greener again. hold out through the last few cold days, my friends, the end is near!


childhood, revisited

it was my first time back home since college and everything seemed a little different, older. on a wistful, solitary walk through my neighborhood, i wandered absentmindedly into my local park, hardly recognizing the playground where i used to spend my elementary school afternoons. i was expecting the colorful plastic jungle that occupied my memories but instead, i found this almost foreign place- covered in graffiti, broken down, sitting helplessly under the watchful eye of looming power-lines. had it changed so much in only a few years or had i been the one who had been changed? or maybe all our memories hold a bit of fantasy.